I've been what they call "otherwise engaged" for the last few months.
I've been travelling! I went to Frinton-on-Sea, just to see if the residents there were the fucking bunch of Daily Mail reading bigots I suspected they were, and it turns out they are! I had a lovely time and made some new friends over Littlejohn. He says what the people are too frightened to say. That the gays are taking over, and the immigrants are taking over too, but not as much as the gays. No... more than the gays. I think. And there's an asylum. Which we live in. And the Muslims are going to ban Christmas, like they have every year since he started saying it every year. I am that glad that he lives in Florida. It gives him an objectivity that the rest of us lack. And it's all true cos I see them. There's that L-S-B-N lady across the street, she gets her shopping at Waitrose! Waitrose! £1.50 for a loaf of bread! Whole Grain. Eeeee if that's not the pink pound I don't know what is. And she's lording it over everyone in the street with her green bags and then pretends she's not by having that man friend stay over. And don't tell me they aren't acting the normal couple in the bedroom too, because I watched them. That's what you're up against with these l-s-b-n-s.
Then there's my wee corner shop, used to be run by a lovely man called Jimmy. Eee when I were a girl he used to give me extra sweets if I sat on his lap. And give him a special kiss. Now it's a man called Mr Kohli, and he never lets me sit on knee. And this is progress.
I noticed as well a gay couple who moved in two doors down. They look the picture of health, laughing, putting plants in the garden and all that. But it's all an act. I said to Ada, mark my words Ada, one of them is bound to be riddled with the Aids and the other is probably god knows. All I know is that it is in all liklihood like throwing a sausage down Oxford Street. In London. Where this blog is based. So there. So I won't be going to their housewarming party. HOUSEWARMING party. That's what this street is coming to. They even said they'd like to have a community day in our street, with stalls and games for their kids and I thought that's your game! You're after the kids like all gays are. Eeeee it makes my blood boil. At least Jimmy in the shop give you sweets, I wonder what these two will? Cancer probably.
So listen dears, that's a weight of me chest for this week. Hopefully I won't wait too long till I get on the computer again. Eeee I meant to talk about Baby P...
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